To the Editor:
I write in response to Easton First Selectman Dunsby’s comments with respect to the candidacy of Ira Kaplan and the interpretation of Connecticut General Statutes Section 9-222. There is no reference in the statute toward “pushing” toward appointment as replacement for a member of the same party.
In fact, the statute is silent. A person with any political affiliation could have been appointed. The statute does not identify that a particular affiliation is required or even suggested for the replacement. After 30 days, the issue of candidate selection is determined by members of the same political affiliation, who are not obliged to pledge that they will vote for a member of the same party.
Speaking as a member of the Democratic Town Committee, I have observed Mr. Kaplan, who is the DTC secretary, make valuable contributions, and, participate in active, continuing discourse about the future of Easton. We DTC members, as well as others in the community, know the value of Ira’s contributions. We are confident in his leadership skills — civic and corporate — and are certain the community as a whole will appreciate his devotion to our town as an elected selectman.
Maureen P. Williams
Sunset Road, Easton